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Terms and conditions

You are responsible for the
security of the equipment
during the loan period and for any loss or damage that occurs due to negligence on your part.

You must return the equipment to the Hire Department at the time and date agreed when booking. If you do return it late without prior arrangement a fine of £10.00 per item per day will be made to you.

If you lose equipment, then you are fully liable for the 
replacement cost.

If equipment is damaged in your care, you will be charged for the repairs or the replacement cost, depending on the extent of the damage.

If equipment is stolen:

a.  Phone or email the Equipment
     Hire Department immediately
     on 01372 202550 and report it. 
     We will supply you with the         
     full make, model and serial           
     number of the item.

You must check the equipment before leaving the Equipment Hire Department, as any losses reported afterwards may be chargeable.

b.  Phone the local police where        the theft took place and     
      report it, they will supply
      you with a crime number.

The equipment is only to be used by yourself and should not be lent for use by anybody else.

c.  Write a short report detailing
      the theft including the camera 
      details (make/
      number) and the crime number.

You must keep the equipment 
in a locked building whenever

it is unsupervised.

d.  Send or bring the report to the 
      Equipment Hire Department.

You must report, any damage or fault on the equipment, however caused, immediately on return of the equipment to the Hire Department.

e.  Failure to comply may incur a          financial penalty.

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